
Did you know that building Small Faith Groups was among the top three outcomes of the Synod process at Christ on the Mountain?  In response to this, FAITH Alive! is being offered during Lent (and beyond!) as a way to grow in your relationship with Christ and others.

Who Are We?

FAITH Alive! small group faith sharing consists of women and men who wish to learn more about their faith and apply it to their daily lives - people who have a sense of adventure and discovery in their relationship with God and His presence among us.

What do We Do?

Small groups of 8-12 people meet (usually weekly) to pray, open our hearts, minds and souls to a better understanding of the Sunday gospel, and to share this experience with each other.

What is Involved?

Each group decides meeting times/locations and shares responsibilities. For Lent 2023, a combination of Open the Word and St. Louis University is being offered as a starting point to launch your faith sharing groups.


Please have a look at our FAQ: FAITH Alive FAQ

